How soon will I receive my skull?

As quickly as possible, on average a few weeks. Since each piece is custom art made from a scan of your skull, the turn-around time will vary depending on your location, imaging facilities near you, the quality of your scan, and any custom color / materials / features requested.

How does the scan work?

If you already have a scan, just send us the files while checking out.

If you don’t have a scan, you’ll need to go to a local imaging facility at some point. We can help with this. If you are in certain areas, our partnerships with select facilities can provide affordable scans to be arranged for you.

Alternatively, you can arrange one yourself depending on your situation. The cost to do a CT scan can vary drastically, from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars, and may also depend on your health insurance. So if you already have a scan and have usable files, best to skip this step.

What is a CT scan?

Computed tomography (CT) is a modern imaging tool that combines X-rays with computer technology to produce a more detailed, cross-sectional image of your body. A CT scan lets your doctor see the size, shape, and position of structures that are deep inside your body.

What about Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)?

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is another modern diagnostic imaging technique that produces cross-sectional images of your body. Unlike CT scans, MRI works without radiation. The MRI uses magnetic fields and a sophisticated computer to take high-resolution pictures of your tissues.

Why CT Scan vs. MRI?

In general, CT scan results in better resolution of bone than MRI.

Furthermore, CT scans are quick, painless, and noninvasive, despite X-rays. MRI scans are also not invasive, but they are more expensive than CT, take more time, are noisy, and may cause claustrophobia. There is also a potential safety issue due to strong magnetic fields, especially if you have any gear in / on your head. But, it’s up to you.

How do I customize the skull further than the listed options?

You can include further instructions when checking out. If any further concerns come up, please send us a message.

Isn’t this service rather goth?


That’s awesome.
